March 12, 2020

Apples of all kind

And now, I also discovered as for children, in old  age we can grate the apples. So good!

March 11, 2020


Lunch today. 
 Colorful! I did not miss anything.  
Cauliflower, spinach and sweet potatoes. 
Grated apples and Sweeps. I am now down to 82.xx

March 6, 2020

Loosing weight with variations

In one month. 3 kilos less, in all from 6 February. 85.4 a month ago, 82.3 today.

A lot of variation on the way. Now, looking at the water variation, it seems a lot has to do also with water retention. So, I have quit worrying about one kilo up and down, I almost had last days. And depending also of course, what hour I looked.

Today, at 4 am I was a lot heavier then at 8 am, just before my breakfast. Soon, will measure only once a week.

March 5, 2020

Attention to swindlers

While the food showed here is ok, they try to know a lot about you the sell you...almost nothing. For money up front.

March 2, 2020

Avocados + eggs will be my lunch

 Love them!

Good news today: 83.00 kg down from 95 in September, 85 from end January.

Delivery comes only after lunch, but I still have an avocado and egg.

Even went out, to shop yesterday and found two bananas. Alas, too big, so I eat half, later only the other half for next meal.

Forbidden pleasures? Small teaspoon of crunchy peanut butter, from time to time.

Up and down

 88 to 81 then 85: today 84 again Celebrating my one kilo loss, from last week, as I decided not to weight every day any more. January I was...