October 25, 2019

Red meat or not? Milk or not,?

Eat this, do not eat this! Eat that, oh no, you should not.  All what they say in different places, is confusing.
OK,  all say, berries are good, avocado and carrots and that eating fruit is ok, but not their juice. 

Rye bread better then whole. 

Here a lunch, one egg, salad, vegetables, a very thin slice of olive bread and  some humus.

All berries ok, said some, other wrote, only blue and raspberries.

So, no strawberries? Here three cut so they look a lot.

Butter? Some source wrote better then margarine others don’t touch it. So?

So many kind of fats, saturated and non saturated, good or bad, no fats at all said some source, some fat is necessary other.

Different proteins, some ok, some not. Others say, small potatoes ok, big ones no. Potatoes, cold in salad best then fresh.

All I read begins to be more and more confusing. 

I finally did buy, what one book suggested, some almond milk, which is not milk, but why milk should not be good? And is really "whole milk" best then "skimmed or semi skimmed"?
So many questions! Some are consistent, others confusing. Grains? yes Grains no. Are almonds, nuts grains? I would like, go towards eating more healthy, but what is it?

Smaller portions, ok, I put them in a smaller plate to so they seem a lot! And put on a big plate only when combining lots of vegetables. And learned not to eat all. 

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