5 Ways To Embrace The Mediterranean Diet
1. Eat plenty of vegetables - at least five portions per day. It's a good idea to aim for three portions of veg or salad with both lunch and dinner (breakfast too if you can!).
Think trays of roasted Mediterranean vegetables, ratatouille, veg stir fries, soups and stews.
2. Eat fish and seafood regularly, including oily fish. Try to source wild (and sustainably caught) fish over farmed fish, like farmed salmon.
3. Use good quality extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil is a key component of the Med diet and it provides numerous health benefits. It's anti-inflammatory, provides antioxidants and has heart-health benefits. However, try to not overheat olive oil as this can compromise its benefits.
4. Choose minimally processed foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Check ingredients lists - a good rule of thumb is: the less ingredients, the better. Instead of using shop bought multi-ingredient sauces, add flavour to foods using herbs and lemon juice.
5. It's also worth remembering that in traditional Mediterranean cultures, people take time out to eat and focus on their meals. We often eat hurriedly at our desks in front of computers, or while scrolling through social media. If you can, take time to enjoy your meals with friends or family. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly and enjoy each mouthful.
Slightly edited points, to put them in my taste. Ex, I do not do pepper and spices.